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Hello to you, Rachel :D I'm posting! I feel super great today! Although, happiness comes at a price? o.O I was really tired yesterday and I collapsed onto my bed. HAHA. I slept right through from 7.30pm till 6am. That's like 10.5 hours of sleep. [I've not slept soundly for the past week] :(
I feel really good today, unlike the last few days which was like ____. But yeah, I lost valuable time to study, and I'm really pressed for time. All I'm trying to do now is to cram everything! I've not even made notes for every subject. BAH. How did I not fail last year's EOYs? I wonder.
Yesterday's Math study group was really good yeah! RACHEL :DDD SERENE :DDD KIMBERLY :DDD ME :DDD I actually managed to complete two math paper! ^^ But I still gotta work hard on Math anyway. My math is like __________.
I would be working my ass off in the next few days. EOYs start in 6 days, counting today. OH MAN. Okay, sorry Rachel for the really short post. I've to go mug for History now, since I slept yesterday. HAHA
That, were the first words out of my daddy's mouth this morning at 7am, directed to me and my brother. Get this. I slept at 10pm and woke up at 6am to do MOV.
FREAKING MERCHANT OF VENICE. I'm so sick of it. I had enough.
"They are as sick that surfeit with too much as they that starve with nothing."
I'm finally done with the acts and scenes and analyzing, leaving me with the themes. Oh well.
Revision Left:
Good luck Janet. D:
We did the test using a variety of flowers. These were the only pictures I took, because I was too much in pain to capture the others :(
Who makes the entire class laugh, who runs like a Lunatic, who is ever-ready with a smile. Don't fret over the math test. I failed, just like you did. But lets' take it in our stride, shall we? There's always a tomorrow, and it is up to us to grap the chance or not. Work hard(er) WITH ME! And we shall pass with flying colors for our EOYs!
Exams are but a stepping stone for us, a mundane ordeal we go through every term, every year. It is but the teachers' pleasure to set the papers for us, and their displeasure to see us fail. 失败是成功之母。Remember this cliche proverb, for it is true :)
You were there for me when I did horribly for my Chinese test, so here I am for you :D
Cheer up! It's not the end of the world. Dry those tears now.
Tata, for now. And don't expect me to post on a regular basis, now that the hectic examination week is approaching.
Me and Clara! Scary Vampires Wannabe :D
The sandwich which won Jubix first prize! :D
Wilson and Sharon, putting on makeup. :)
Grace, helping me with the lip gloss :D
Me, as a scary vampire. I tried not to smile, but ah well. heh :D
There're many more pictures, but I'm not posting all. Credits to Clara for taking all the pictures and sending them to me! :D Yayy, 我爱佳颖!:D
Wednesday was our last volleyball training till EOYs are over. I wish we wouldn't stop training, if not I'll definitely lose touch :( I want more training! To improve, to satisfy my never-ending passion and just to de-stress!
Math test on Wednesday was a killer. I wish I never even studied for the test. Get this. I studied till my back hurt :( Because I sat there for so long, my posture was quite strained, and my back hurt :( Well yeah. Stupid test. If the teachers set these kind of papers for EOYs, SAYONARA JANET TAY.
I love TODAY! :D 大家,我祝你们中秋节快乐!:D Dunman High celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival in school today, in the night. It was a pretty great celebration, with all the moon-cake making and all. HAHA. Moon cake making was especially FUN, because we started throwing flour at one another :DD Heh, but we didn't eat them in the end, because a large quantity ended up on the floor ._. heh.
Jubix peep 1 (i forgot who): Janet, why your face so red? Sunburn arh?
Jubix peep 2 (i forgot who too): You put make-up arh?
ME: huh, no lah. When I'm overly tired, my face will flush red.
Well yeah, I must have looked like a tomato! After playing four hours of volleyball with JUBIX! But I don't mind at all. It's a great swell time with them!^^ Jubix can serve, spike and dig now. The training really paid off! And the best thing is, the Jubix guys were there to help us train! Even Gordon came along to train us :D His serve is really good and stable. HOHO, thank you Gordon! And all Jubix guys!^^
You people are the greatest ever, you light up my life like the stars in the dark lost night. You sing my hopes in a dead heart. And you give me a reason to come to school with life each day. THANK YOU! 我爱死你们了!
P.S. I hope y'all enjoyed the chocolate cookies today :D
Sorry to Junyi, Mingwei and Yijia. I didn't know there wasn't enough for everyone to share :(